Publications sélectionnées (par SUJET)
- Brown, Stephen with Chandra Lekha Sriram, “When the Hyena is the Judge, the Goat will Never have Justice: The Politics of Criminal Accountability for Post-Election Violence in Kenya”, African Affairs, vol. 111, forthcoming 2012, (accepted)
- Brown, Stephen, “The Rule of Law and the Hidden Politics of Transitional Justice in Rwanda”, Peacebuilding and the Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? , Chandra Lekha Sriram, Olga Martín-Ortega and Johanna Herman, eds., London, Routledge, 2011, pp. 179-196
- Paris, Roland, « State-Level Effects of Transitional Justice: What Do We Know? » (with Oskar N.T. Thoms and James Ron), International Journal of Transitional Justice 4:3 (November 2010), pp. 329-354.
- Brown, Stephen, “Lessons Learned and Forgotten: The International Community and Electoral Conflict Management in Kenya”, Elections in Dangerous Places: Democracy and the Paradoxes of Peacebuilding, David Gillies, ed., Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011, pp. 127-43
- Zuercher, C., “Building Democracy While Building Peace”, Journal of Democracy, 22(1), 2011, 81-85
- Brown, Stephen, “‘Well, what can you expect?’: Donor officials’ apologetics for hybrid regimes in Africa”, Democratization , vol. 18, no. 2, April 2011, pp. 512-34
- Brown, Stephen, «Justice pénale internationale et violences électorales : les enjeux de la CPI au Kenya», Revue Tiers Monde , nº 205, mars 2011, pp. 85-100
- Zuercher, C. (with N. Roehner and S. Riese), “External Strategies for Post-Conflict Democratization –with a focus on Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia”, OSCE Yearbook 2010, OSCE.
Reconstruction/Consolidation de la paix
- Baranyi, Stephen, “Cooperation for Reconstruction, Peace and Transformation in Haiti?”, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 6(3), December 2011, 150 pages
- Baranyi, Stephen, “Deconstructing Reconstruction in Haiti”, Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 6(3), December 2011, 25 pages
- Baranyi, Stephen, “Canada and the Travail of Partnership in Haiti”, Fixing Haiti: MINUSTAH and Beyond, Thompson, Andrew and Jorge Heine, Tokyo, UN University Press, July 2011, pp. 205-228
- Martinez, Andrea, Beaudet, Pierre and Baranyi, Stephen, Haiti aujourd’hui, Haiti demain. Regards croisés, Ottawa, Les Presses de l’université d’Ottawa, 2011, 200 pages
- Paris, Roland, « Introduction: NATO and the Challenge of Sustainable Peacebuilding, » Global Governance 17:1 (Jan.-March 2011), pp. 75-79.
- Paris, Roland, « Saving Liberal Peacebuilding, » Review of International Studies 36:2 (April 2010), pp. 337-365.
- Abrahamsen, Rita and Michael C. Williams, Security Beyond the State: Private Security in International Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011
- Baranyi, Stephen, “Police Reform and Development in Fragile States”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 31(3-4), May 2011, 120 pages
- Baranyi, Stephen and Jennifer Salahub, “Police Reform and Democratic Development in Lower-Profile Fragile States”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 31(3-4), May 2011, pp. 48-63
- Abrahamsen, Rita and Michael C. Williams, “Securing the City: Private Security Companies and Non-State Authority in Global Governance”, Mercenaries, Pirates, Bandits and Empires: Private Violence in Historical Context, B. Mabee and A. Colas (eds), New York, Columbia University Press, 2010
- Banerjee, Nipa. “Effective Development Requires Better Aid”, Working Towards Peace and Prosperity in Afghanistan, Liechtenstein Colloquium Report Volume 5 (pp 95-101). ed. Wolfgang Danspeckgruber. Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of International and Public Affairs, United States of America, Summer 2011.
- David Petrasek and Leila Kazemi, « Assessing international responses to the ‘resource curse' », A Report submitted to the Kofi Annan Foundation, Kofi Annan Foundation, Geneva, Dec. 2010
Politiques & Intervention
- Paris, Roland « Ordering the World: Academic Research and Policymaking on Fragile States, » International Studies Review 13:1 (March 2011), pp. 58-71.