Publications à comité de lecture publiées par les membres du CÉPI:


Abrahamsen, R. (2019). Defensive Development, Combative Contradictions: Towards an International Political Sociology of Global Militarism in Africa. Conflict, Security & Development, 19(6), 543-562.

Abrahamsen, R., Anderson, Louise Riis., Sending, Ole Jacob. (2019). Introduction: Making Liberal Internationalism Great Again? Special Issue International Journal, 74(1), 5-14.

Abrahamsen, R., Anderson, Louise Riis., Sending, Ole Jacob. (Eds.) (2019). Middle Power Liberal Internationalism in an Illiberal World. Special Issue International Journal, 74(1).

Aldrich, R. J., Andrew, C. M., & Wark, W. K. (Eds.) (2019). Secret Intelligence: A Reader. London: Routledge.


Baranyi, S. (2019). Second-Generation SSR or Unending Violence in Haiti? Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, 8(1), 1-19.

Baranyi, S. (2019). Haïti: le Chaos, la Refonte du Système ou le Bricolage Continu? Diplomatie, 100(1), 30-35.

Bardall, G. (2019). Symbolic Violence as a Form of Violence against Women in Politics: A Critical Examination. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 65(238).

Baqir, F., Banerjee, N., & Yaya, S. (2019). Better Spending for Localizing Global Sustainable Development Goals: Examples from the Field. New York, NY: Routledge.

Beaulieu, E., Leblond, P., et al. (2019). The Future of Canadian Trade Policy: Three Symposia on Canada’s Most Pressing Trade Policy Challenges. SPP Briefing Paper, 12(38). The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary.

Bell, D. & Vucetic, S. (2019). Brexit, CANZUK, and the Legacy of Empire. The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 21(2), 367-382.

Best, J. (2019). The Inflation Game: Targets, Practices and the Social Production of Monetary Credibility. New Political Economy, 24(5), 623-640.

Brown, S. & Fisher, J. (2019). Aid Donors, Democracy and the Developmental State in Ethiopia. Democratization, 27(2), 185-203.

Brown, S. (2019). A Samaritan State? Canadian Foreign Aid, and the Challenges of Policy Coherence for Development. In Greg Donaghy and David Webster (Eds.). A Samaritan State Revisited: Historical Perspectives on Canadian Foreign Aid. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, pp. 311-329.

Brown, S. (2019). L’Aide Canadienne au Développement. In Pierre Beaudet, Paul Haslam, Dominique Caouette et Abdelhamid Benhmade (dir.). Enjeux et défis du développement international : Acteurs et champs d’action, édition nouvelle et actualisée. Ottawa, Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, pp. 249-253.


Desrosiers, M.-E., & Swedlund, H. (2019). Rwanda’s Post-Genocide Foreign Aid Relations: Revisiting Notions of Exceptionalism. African Affairs, 118(472), 435-462.

Drolet, J. F., & Williams, M. (2019). The View from MARS: US Paleoconservatism and Ideological Challenges to the Liberal World Order. International Journal, 74(1), 15-31.


Frowd, P.M. (2019). Review of No Go World: How Fear is Redrawing Our Maps and Infecting Our Politics, by Ruben Andersson. Journal of Refugee Studies, 32(4), 708-710.


Gheciu, A. (2019). NATO, Liberal Internationalism, and the Politics of Imagining the Western Security Community. International Journal, 74(1), 32-46.

Gheciu, A. (2019). Remembering France’s Glory, Securing Europe in the Age of Trump. European Journal of International Security, 1-20. 


Huggins, C. & Kinyondo, A. (2019). Resource Nationalism and Formalization of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Tanzania: Evidence from the Tanzanite Sector. Resources Policy, 63(C), 1-1.

Huggins, C., & Mastaki, C. P. (2019). The Political Economy of Land Law and Policy Reform in the Democratic Republic of Congo: an Institutional Bricolage Approach. Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d’études du développement, 1-19.

Huggins, C. (Ed.) (2019). Property Rights and Governance in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining. Routledge.

Huggins, C. & Kinyondo, A. (2019). Resource Nationalism in Tanzania: The Implications for Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining. In Fjeldstad, O.-H., Mmari, D. and Dupuy, K. (Eds.). Governing Petroleum Resources: Prospects and Challenges for Tanzania. Bergen: CMI and REPOA.


Jones, P. (2019). Talking for the Sake of it, or Making a Difference? Measuring and Evaluating Track Two Diplomacy. In d’Estree, T.P. (Ed.). New Directions in Peacebuilding Evaluation. London: Oxford University Press.

Jones, P. (2019). Middle Power Liberal Internationalism and Mediation in Messy Places: The Canadian Dilemma. International Journal, 74(1), 119-134.

Juneau, T. (2019). A Story of Failed Re-Engagement: Canada and Iran, 2015-18. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 25(1), 39-53.

Juneau, T. (2019). A Surprising Spat: The Causes and Consequences of the Saudi–Canadian Dispute. International Journal, 74(2), 313-323.

Juneau, T. (2019). Not on the March: The Enduring Impact of Constraints on Iran’s Power After the Nuclear Deal. Political Science Quarterly, 134(1), 39-61.

Juneau, T., Lobell, S. E., Ripsman, N. M., & Rubin, L. P. (2019). Neoclassical Realism: Domestic Politics, Systemic Pressures, and the Impact on Foreign Policy since the Arab Spring. In Routledge Handbook of International Relations in the Middle East (pp. 8-22). Routledge.


Katz-Rosene, R., & Paterson, M. (2019). Imperialism and Environment. In Ness, I. & Cope, Z. (Eds.). Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism, 2nd Edition. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan.


Laliberté, A., & Travagnin, S. (Eds.). (2019). The Study of Religion in China, Vol. I: State of the Field and Disciplinary Approaches. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Laurence, M. (2019). An ‘Impartial’ Force? Normative Ambiguity and Practice Change in UN Peace Operations. International Peacekeeping, 26(3), 256-280.

Laurence, M. & Rhoads, E. P. (2019). Peace Operations, Principles, and Doctrine. In Richmond, O. & Visoka, G. (Eds.). Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. Online First.

Leblond, P., & Viju-Miljusevic, C. (2019). EU Trade Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Change, Continuity and Challenges. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(12), 1836-1846.

Leblond, P. (2019). Digital Trade at the WTO: The CPTPP and CUSMA Pose Challenges to Canadian Data Regulation. Centre for International Governance Innovation, Paper no. 227.

Leblond, P. & Aaronson, S. A. (2019). A Plurilateral “Single Data Area” Is the Solution to Canada’s Data Trilemma. Centre for International Governance Innovation, Paper no. 226.

Lenard, P. T. & Macdonald, T. (2019). Democracy versus Security as Standards of Political Legitimacy: The Case of National Policy on Irregular Migrant Arrivals. Perspectives on Politics, 1-17.

Lenard, P. T. (2019). How Do Sponsors Think about « Month 13 »? Refuge, 35 (2), 64–73.


Massot, P. (2019). Global Order, US–China Relations, and Chinese Behaviour: The Ground is Shifting, Canada Must Adjust. International Journal, 74(4), 600-611.

Evans, P., Li, X., & Massot, P. (2019). What do Canadians Think of China and the United States? Policy Options, December 2019.

Massot, P. (2019). Market Power and Marketisation: Japan and China’s Impact on the Iron Ore Market, 50 Years Apart. New Political Economy, 1-24.

Mendes, E.P. (2019). The Legacy of the Quebec Secession Reference Ruling in Canada and Internationally. In Delledonne, G., & Martinico, G. (Eds.). The Canadian Contribution to a Comparative Law of Secession, pp. 9-31. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mendes, E.P. (2019). Peace and Justice at the International Criminal Court: A Court of Last Resort. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Paris, R. (2019). Can Middle Powers Save the Liberal World Order? The Royal Institute of International Affairs, June 2019.

Paris, R. (2019). Alone in the World?: Making Sense of Canada’s Disputes with Saudi Arabia and China. International Journal, 74(1), 151-161.

Petrasek, D. (2019). Not Dead Yet: Human Rights in an Illiberal World Order. International Journal, 74(1), 103-118.


Rezaei, F. & Seliktar, O. (2019). Iran, Revolution, and Proxy Wars. Palgrave Macmillan.


Shah, N. (2019). Ethical dispositions designing the injuries of war. Critical Studies on Security, 7(3), 210-218.

Simon, S. (2019). Securing the ‘Status Quo’: The Contribution of Taiwan to Peace in the Indo-Pacific. On Track: Canada’s Global Defence and Security E-Magazine, 24.

Subotic, J., & Vucetic, S. (2019). Performing Solidarity: Whiteness and Status-Seeking in the Non-Aligned World. Journal of International Relations and Development, 22(3), 722-743.


Vucetic, S. (2019). Britain’s India, India’s Britain: Self-Other Relations after Empire. Asia Research Institute Working Paper Series No. 269.


Wang, Z., & Leblond, P. (2019). Canola Disputes in Canada-China Agricultural Trade: A Chinese Policy Perspective. Canadian Agri-food Policy Institute and Centre for International Policy Studies, June 2019.

Wark, W. (2019). The Road to CANUSA: How Canadian Signals Intelligence Won its Independence and Helped Create the Five Eyes. Intelligence and National Security, 35(1), 20-34.


Zhe, J., Fisher, G., & Laliberté, A. (Eds.). (2019). Buddhism after Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Zürcher, C. (2019). The Folly of “Aid for Stabilisation”. Third World Quarterly, 40(5), 839-854.

Zürcher, C. (2019). Russia: Development Aid and Security Interests. In Agnieszka Paczyńska (Ed.). The New Politics of Aid: Emerging Donors and Conflict-Affected States. Lynne Rienner.

Zürcher, C. (2019). 30 Years of Chinese Peacekeeping. CIPS report, January 2019.

Zürcher, C. (2019). Nonviolent Communal Strategies in Insurgencies Case Study on Afghanistan. In Avant, D. et al. (Eds.). Civil Action and the Dynamics of Violence, 203. Oxford University Press.