What Canada Can Do About the Rohingya Genocide
- analyse
- 1 mai 2019
On November 30th, the State of Israel commemorates Jewish refugees from Arab Countries and Iran. The date is symbolic in itself, as the previous day, November 29th, marks the anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly vote of 1947 that …
EN SAVOIR PLUSIt has been very quiet in Berlin after the general election of 24 September. Yes, Angela Merkel officially won the election with 26.8% or 200 seats in the new Bundestag. However, her Christian Democrats (CDU) together with the Christian Social …
EN SAVOIR PLUSBy Philippe M. Frowd
A casual observer of the Sahel could be forgiven for understanding this region of West Africa as a space of threat: radicalization, terrorism, massive population growth, and irregular migration all grab the headlines. …
EN SAVOIR PLUSby Ruth Bradley-St-Cyr
“Give me your tired, your poor,/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” The words inscribed at the base of the statue of Liberty are famous, and yet hardly anyone knows that they are from a sonnet …
EN SAVOIR PLUSBy Elke Winter, Benjamin Zyla, Charlotte Murret-Labarthe
University of Ottawa
Origins of the crisis
In March 2011, three months after the Arab Spring began in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, fifteen Syrian schoolchildren were arrested and tortured for writing on a …
EN SAVOIR PLUSBy Stephanie J. Silverman
Governments understandably focus on enhancing security, surveillance, and risk management for their citizens, and as we have seen, particularly since 9-11, much of this increased attention is directed at national borders. While every person enjoys the …
EN SAVOIR PLUSLa guerre civile dévastatrice en Syrie a engendré le plus grand exode de population connu depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. À ce jour, 13,5 millions de Syriens ont un besoin urgent d’aide humanitaire, soit 4,8 millions de réfugiés inscrits et …
EN SAVOIR PLUSLa crise migratoire actuelle constitue une menace à l’aide au développement. Par cela, je ne veux surtout pas dire que les réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile sont eux-mêmes dangereux, mais plutôt que la manière dont les gouvernements occidentaux répondent à la …