Facing the Biggest Challenges of Our Generation
- analyse
- 18 décembre 2018
Depuis plusieurs années, le Cameroun fait face à de nombreux conflits armés qui menacent la paix et créent un climat d’insécurité sur le territoire. Pour venir à bout de ces crises qui déstabilisent le pays de façon générale, l’Etat et …
EN SAVOIR PLUSLe Canada s’est engagé à dépenser l’équivalent de 2% de son produit intérieur brut (PIB) en dépenses militaires d’ici 2032. Cette date d’échéance est toutefois hautement spéculative puisqu’elle fut énoncée à la hâte en juillet dernier, en marge du sommet …
EN SAVOIR PLUSIl y a cinq ans, le Cameroun a organisé un grand dialogue national pour résoudre la crise anglophone du pays – un conflit armé qui a tué des centaines de personnes, en a déplacé des milliers d’autres, a entraîné …
EN SAVOIR PLUSNotre monde n’a jamais eu autant besoin de recherche. Qu’il s’agisse d’urgence climatique, de crime organisé, les grands enjeux internationaux sont de plus en plus complexes et les positions à leur sujet clivantes. Seul moyen de briser les chambres d’écho …
EN SAVOIR PLUSBy Gino Vlavonou
After ten years in power, in 2013, Séléka rebels ousted the Central African Republic’s (CAR) President François Bozizé, after which Anti-Balaka militia groups rose up in response. The country has since been searching for peace, and seven …
EN SAVOIR PLUSBy Sylvain Maechler
The Living Planet Report 2018, published by the World Wild Fund for Nature in collaboration with the research division of the Zoological Society of London, recently valued nature at an estimated US$125 trillion.
The International Organization …
What makes a market economy? To many, the answer is simple: they are countries where the market is the main mechanism of resource allocation. Yet, this intuitive definition is at odds with the political impact of the …
EN SAVOIR PLUSBy Johannes Petry
In 1989, capital markets did not exist in China. Fast forward to 2018, China’s capital markets have become the second largest equity markets, second largest futures markets, and third largest bond markets in the world. More …
EN SAVOIR PLUSBy Payam Akhavan and John Packer
Twenty-five years ago, as young UN human rights officers working together in Geneva, we witnessed how the world watched and did nothing as close to a million Rwandan Tutsis were exterminated. Brimming with idealism …
EN SAVOIR PLUSIn a recent CIPS blog — New Partnerships for Minister Monsef? — John Sinclair asks why supporting refugees is not a central goal of development co-operation when development issues have so much impact on refugees. Here, CIPS presents a short …
EN SAVOIR PLUSBy Rosana Lezama Sanchez
Venezuelan emigrants always talk about how much they miss the country they left behind. I returned to Caracas in August of 2018, but I too miss Venezuela. The Venezuela that I grew up in was certainly …
EN SAVOIR PLUSBy Stéphanie Bacher
Over the past year, Canada has taken some important steps to promote and protect human rights abroad. However, the picture is not as rosy as often presented by the government, and Canada still has a long way …