« L’inflation » des droits humains : quel est le problème ?
- analyse
- 25 février 2020
The election of Donald Trump as US President poses a grave threat to human rights — in the US and worldwide. To meet this threat, the global human rights movement, and in particular its US components, must reprioritize and refocus …
EN SAVOIR PLUSPart one, and the introduction, to a series of blogs about Canadian democracy assistance around the world.
by Gabrielle Bardall
The commitment to democracy and human rights is at the core of Canadian values. The institutions and processes of Canadian …
EN SAVOIR PLUSUn nouveau gouvernement canadien a été élu. Comment le Canada peut-il promouvoir les droits de la personne à travers ses politiques étrangères? Comment le Canada peut-il contribuer aux efforts globaux de la protection des droits humains? Le CÉPI a convoqué …
EN SAVOIR PLUSby Rachel Kerr
On May 25, 2013, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia celebrated its twentieth anniversary. After 20 years and $2.2 billion, what has this extraordinary experiment in international criminal justice achieved? In The Hague, an exhibition …
EN SAVOIR PLUSby Rachel Kerr
May 16, 2012 was an auspicious day for international criminal justice for two reasons. First, the Special Court for Sierra Leone heard statements from the Prosecutor and from former Liberian President Charles Taylor at his sentencing hearing. …